I was born into the Roman catholic Church, althought its an institution created by God, it is not perfect, like any other institution, being a government, company, non profit organization, it is ruled by humans which make mistakes.

We will find good people and bad people in every institution, you will find very nice, welcoming, hard working, generous people in every religion, country or nation, but you also will find bad people in every institution, nation, religion etc, this gets worse if those bad people openly seek to control others and be in positions of power.

The Sex abuse scandals that have been rocking the Catholic (universal) church for the last 50 years is extremally tragic, but it does not define the 1 billion catholics in the planet, I know that this institution will do better in the future, God willing.

Marriage is a personal choice, God said, grow up and multiply, marriage is also a lifelong journey, as with any other choice, it must be held responsably, having only the children that we can afford to have and give them the right ammount of attention and love that they need.

The main problem that the catholic church have is greed, they prohibited their priests to marry so the fruits of their labor stay in the church, like sterile bees, priest work only for the institution, however, they are human, and most human need an outlet to release sexual tension, and they took that tension by raping young boys and girls to the tune of hundreds of thousands in the last century, a planetary disgrace, and still, the catholic leaders refuse to acknowledge and rectify the situation and comply with national laws.


" Y vendran  aquellos  Que le prohibirán casarse y mandarán abstenerse de alimentos que Dios creó para que con acción de gracias participasen de ellos los creyentes y los que han conocido la verdad." 1 Timoteo 4: : 3

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